Michael H. Seibel Center


Austin, MN

Michael H. Seibel was a prominent District Court Judge in Mower County that championed the cause of victims of domestic abuse.  It was because of his care and support that the Parenting Resource Center named their new visitation and exchange center after Judge Seibel.

The Joseph Company was called upon to design and build this facility which had to be programmed with state-of-the-art safety, security, and communication systems in mind.  This $630,000 facility was built in under 100 days and now stands as the envy and model for county and law enforcement agencies across the country.  Metal detectors and surveillance cameras, along with strategic placement of one-way glass, was installed to protect staff and occupants.  All these important safety features were installed in an environment designed to be a warm and inviting space for broken families to reunite and connect.

Joseph was recognized with the Pyramid Award for Excellence in Construction from the Associated Builders and Contractors of America for this project.